Choristers And Creative Arts and Performing Arts Fund
The School was founded in 1885 to educate Choristers at St Andrew's Cathedral. That vision continues today, with a desire to inspire our students to be passionate, creative learners who fully develop their gifts and abilities in order to serve in the world.
As a school we have a deep commitment to supporting cultural and artistic expression, whether on the stage, in the studio, performing in the Cathedral or on an overseas tour. Music and the arts point to transcendence and beauty—the existence of something beyond ourselves.
This fund allows our work with the Choristers, Creative Arts and Performing Arts to continue and to thrive. Whether creating exciting new theatrical pieces, investing in world-class facilities, or providing professional-level production opportunities, this fund enriches the experience of the arts for all student performers and their audiences.
In a world where young people can be distracted by numerous devices that offer immediate gratification, arts ask for the opposite. Hours of deliberate, determined practice. This fund helps to provide the support and resources our students need to help make this happen.
We want our students to expand their imagination and find joy in expressing all that it is to be human, whether in the Creative Arts, the Performing Arts or through music.
You can support our vision by donating to our Choristers and Creative and Performing Arts Fund.
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Creative Arts