The Grade Cricketer visits assembly
Thursday, 21 March 2024
It was wonderful to welcome back journalist, broadcaster and media personality Sam Perry (OA2002) earlier this term as a guest speaker at the Senior College Assembly.
Sam was School Captain in 2002 and coined the phrase “no regrets” in his speeches, a motto made famous by Steve Waugh who was the Australian Cricket Captain at the time. “No regrets” was a precursor to “SACS Pride” which continues in the school to this day.
Sam hosts the wildly successful podcast The Grade Cricketer, which boasts an impressive following of more than 500,000 weekly listeners across social media. He has taken the show around the world and consistently plays to sold-out audiences.
During his address to the 500 Senior College students, Sam shared insights from his career, encouraging students to find a career ‘niche’ they are passionate about. He also regaled his favourite stories from school, including a classic ‘sledge’ from the legendary Miss Vaneris.