School captains continue food metaphor tradition
Friday, 6 September 2024

At the recent student leadership induction, Isaac Wong and Ilia Campbell, our newly elected School Captains for 2024-2025, delivered a speech that combined humour, heartfelt insights, and a unique metaphor to capture the spirit of St Andrew's Cathedral School. Giving a food metaphor is an important tradition for each newly installed set of school captains, going back to 2005. 

Isaac and Ilia spoke about their journeys through the School, the essence of true leadership, and the role which every student, teacher, and community member plays in making SACS a vibrant and inclusive place. Using a playful metaphor of the beloved Suchai lunchbox, found in Town Hall Arcade, they illustrated how the diversity of students, subjects, and staff come together to form a unified, supportive, and unbreakable school community. With a commitment to fostering connections and supporting their peers, Isaac and Ilia set the tone for a year of collaboration, growth, and celebration at St Andrew's. 

 Their full speech can be found below. 

ISAAC: Hi everyone, You might know us from music ensembles, drama productions, sport, or maybe from classes. Or maybe you don't know us at all—in that case, I'm Isaac, and I'm Ilia, and we are your School Captains for 2024-2025.

ISAAC: We're honoured to be here today, giving this speech as your captains. We can't wait to meet you all and get to know you better over the coming year. But first, we'd like to introduce ourselves properly. 

ILIA: Hi, I'm Ilia. I started at St Andrew's in Year 5, and I love music and drama. I've been lucky enough to be involved in many ensembles and productions during my time here. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, watching TV, and singing. 

ISAAC: And I'm Isaac. I started at SACS in Year 7 and have been involved in music and sport ever since. I love fencing, volleyball, playing guitar, and spending time with my dog, Chitose. 

ILIA: Today, we stand before you as your newly elected student leaders. We're grateful for the chance to lead this school and represent the student body. I can't think of a better way to spend my final year here. 

ISAAC: As you know, every year, the School Captains' speech includes a food metaphor. And don't worry—it's coming! But first, we'd like to share our thoughts on leadership and what it means to be a leader. Ilia, what's your take? 

ILIA: To me, a leader is someone who truly wants to help others and is willing to spend their time to support those in need. Leadership involves taking responsibility, but it also means recognising the potential in others and helping them reach their goals. As a friend once said, "We don't help others to fulfil our role as leaders; we help others out of kindness. The title of 'leader' is just a recognition of our actions." 

ISAAC: Exactly. And that's why I think everyone can be a leader, even without the title. Leadership isn't about labels—it's about what you do and how you influence others. Whether you're helping a friend with their studies, organising a group project, or showing kindness and respect daily, you're showing leadership. These small, everyday actions make a big impact on our vibrant St Andrew's community. We're excited to work with each of you as we lead and support St Andrew's together. 

ILIA: Over our years at St Andrew's, Isaac and I have met many great leaders who have inspired us. These teachers, students, parents, and community members have guided us throughout our time here. 

ISAAC: We are very grateful for their time, dedication, and support, and we plan to pay it forward by serving you all. 

ILIA: Isaac, do you smell something? 

ISAAC: Maybe it's this Suchai lunch box I'm holding. Why am I holding a Suchai lunchbox, you ask? Well, I was a bit hungry before the speech, so I grabbed lunch from the famous sushi shop in the arcade downstairs. 

ILIA: Wait, Isaac, this Suchai lunchbox could be a metaphor for our school community! 

ISAAC: How convenient! For those who don't know, the Suchai lunchbox is a favourite lunch option here because it's easy, customisable, and generous in portion. You start with a base—rice, chicken fried rice, or noodles. Then you choose two main dishes, which could be meats, seafood, or veggies. Finally, it's all topped with sauces and spices. But how does this connect to our school community? 

ILIA: Well, a Suchai lunchbox is packed with different flavours and ingredients that come together in harmony. Each flavour is unique but contributes to the overall meal, just like how each student brings something unique to our school community. 

ISAAC: Exactly! The students are like the carbs—the foundation of the meal. Whether noodles, rice, or fried rice, they are diverse, filled with energy, and each brings a different "flavour" to the school. 

ILIA: And the two main dishes are like the subjects and extracurricular activities we choose. They shape our experiences and make each student's journey unique, creating a balanced lifestyle—one of our St Andrew's character strengths! The sauces represent our teachers. Just like sauces enhance the flavour of a meal, our teachers bring out the best in each of us with their unique styles and approaches. 

ISAAC: And while each sauce has its unique taste, they often share a common base broth. Dr McGonigle is that broth—providing a stable foundation for all the flavours in our school. Her leadership and vision give teachers the support they need to elevate every student's experience. 

ILIA: And then there are the garnishes—the often-overlooked elements like staff and parents who work tirelessly behind the scenes. They might not always be in the spotlight, but they add crucial finishing touches that make the meal complete. Without them, the Suchai lunchbox—and our school—wouldn't be the same. 

ISAAC: Now, when the lunchbox is full and all the parts are united, it's unbreakable. Attempts to snap it, but it doesn't break; hands it to Ilia. 

ILIA: But when it's empty and the food isn't united... pours it out breaks easily. SNAP!

ISAAC: Well, I guess this is my lunch now! But in all seriousness, this is just like St Andrew's. Together, we form an unbreakable community. 

ILIA: Just like the lunchbox, if we work together, nothing can stop us! 

ISAAC: I'm sure all this talk of food has made you hungry. So, we'll leave you with a few final words so you can head to lunch. 

ILIA: As we mentioned, we're truly honoured to be in this position, and we can't wait to meet each of you. If you ever need help or just want to chat, come find us or any of the amazing leaders here—we're always here to listen. 

ISAAC: You are the reason we want to lead. You make this special for us. Remember, each of you brings a unique flavour to our school community. Let's mix our flavours, build our community, and create something truly special together.